Devil's Gambit is Out!

Welcome to Devil's Gambit, dearest reader. The Devil of Rannai is most excited to have such an esteemed and long-awaited guest in his domain. He offers you, and you alone, the  privilege of safe passage. He has prepared a night of heartfelt mysteries and intellectual debaucheries. It is His sincerest hope that you'll enjoy every last moment to the fullest.

Step forward, fearlessly, into the Eye Valley.


The first build of Devil's Gambit is out! It comes with about 30,000 words and more than 20 CGs, making up the entirety of the game's first act! It's three fifths of the way to being a traditional novel already. This is a very beefy release, more than enough to keep you entertained for a whole night.

If you like the game, please consider supporting it on Patreon. Starting with the first tier, supporters will get:

  • Access to the latest Patreon build a month before it goes public.
  • A key for the full game once it is complete and released.
  • A special, Patreon-only role in our Discord server.

In the higher tiers you'll also get access to art streams and WIPs, an early look at select pieces of the game's writing, your name added to the credits and, at a later date, a 4K resolution version of the game and more.

With your support Alpha and Roddio will, hopefully, be able to work on it full time and deliver to you only the finest mystery-romance gay shit. And if we get enough support, we'll be able to amp up the production values — we'd really love getting a whole original soundtrack and custom backgrounds.

With all of that said...

Once more, welcome to Rannai. Remember: watch your step and keep your senses sharp. The path ahead will arduous, but the devilish Lord waits for you at journey's end.

Files 196 MB
Nov 19, 2023
DevilsGambit-0.1-linux.tar.bz2 179 MB
Nov 19, 2023 190 MB
Nov 19, 2023 200 MB
Nov 19, 2023

Get Devil's Gambit


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it honestly looks amazing !


Really loved this first build, I know its too early to ask this but, how often the updates gonna be?


We're aiming for bi-monthly, with early releases on Patreon,


I want more! I need to see what happens next and as soon as possible and make the bartender an evening delight. 


Our bartender is going to get some delights so very soon...


😏 Got to love a working man. 


I read this till 3 am and woke up still thinking about theories.. Really good start


Quite a good first build. Only thing I can think of is an option to hide the dialogue! Lots of eye candy that the box covers.


If you're on desktop just press "H" and it will Hide the textbox.

We'll probably add a clickable option for it at some point, since there's also Android players.


Like me ;-) I was thinking the same thing when I played this on my tablet.


lol and they already had a fix ready.  Yes!


Really enjoyed reading this, looking forward to more!


Thank you, you're very kind.


Yummy... :)) nice bun


So true bestie.


From what I've seen this is definitely going to be an FVN worth reading. Lots of good art and quality writing.


We have such sights to show you.