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Wew child... Maybe I'm easy to please, but boy was this wonderful. I loved the writing, the art, the music, and I was salivating during that dream scene.

You guys are really on to something with this, and I can't wait to see more!


This game was fantastic so far, and only just started getting interesting when the dreams went wild. excited to see where this is going.


please give us the chose to let the demon help us or not

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the art is so well made

Thanks! :3


I really like the vn its so good I wanna read it more but I reach the end so I hope the new chapter release fast BECAUSE I REALLY WANT TO KNOW SO BAD IF HE ACCEPT THE DEVIL OFFER

but please have some rest first we can wait very long even it's 1 year's will still wait so pls don't push yourself hard admin of this vn just relax and have some rest we cared about your health! ❤️


Things are going to move quickly in the next update!

OMG IM SO EXCITED FOR IT!!! And thank you! have a great day Alpha0!!


fall in love for this Vn, especially for his music ! A futur gallery for the next update to enjoy the music or the art ? 

Keep up the good work and can't wait for the next update !


You should make Manoel a romanceable character as well. I kinda like him, from his arrogance and obssecion, but with a mix of passion for medicine in the end.


Can you add gallery to the game please.

And when you add NSFW scenes you could make it have movement in the scene

tweening on twine is really hard to do


That's a great idea. I'm sure we'll have one down the line.

Spoilery joke

Devil: Cadgan has changed, became ice cold, but I can provide you with all the fire of passion you need. Of course, you can try to reignite the passion yourself, but it will prove futile. So, what will you choose? Cold ice of dead feelings, or everlasting fire of all pleasure you always yearned for?

Hector: Fire…

Devil: Good choice! No-

Hector, while raising torch: FIRE AND FORGIVE!!!

Devil: F*ck!

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and I have a tentative theory.


The sexy demon was Cargan this whole time or was him to some degree.  he was possessing him as a child when him and the main character first met.

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bro dont spoil

edit: nevermind you did put a spoiler warning but it was so easy to miss, sorry

Sorry, I'll see if I can edit it


Ok that would make me want to go with the demon o_o

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Ok, I won't lie I didn't have any expectations for this VN when I started reading it because I had nothing to read and the VNs that I like are taking a while to update if not they are in a hiatus, but thank god I'm happy that I continued to read it.

Since this is the first update I don't have a lot of opinions, the designs and characters personalities are pretty standard if not slightly interesting for a medieval fantasy setting BUT the moment they spelled out Manoel's whole name I immediately got hooked. This is the second time a visual novel or well a furry visual novel at that, having references or (maybe) this time the story being or having a re-imagined world of Portugal/Spain or more specifically in the Iberian Peninsula

Also I love the idea that the lions seem to have portuguese and/or spanish influence as well, specially since Portugal before turning into an independent country, it was part of a kingdom named "Leão" which means Lion in english.

I'm quite excited by what's going to come and how the story it's going to progress.

Also, Obrigado pela representação do nosso país.


If you want to take a peek at the game before downloading it, recently plover310 made a LP of the demo!


Dang this came out of nowhere for me, you really hit the ground running what an amazing read.


Okay Normally am not the biggest VN guy but love the story love the characters and am looking forward to more. The emotions i felt were great. The ending of this demo got me pretty excited especially with the reveal. Im a sucker for things like that and I am just hooked right now. I really do hope you get the funds and support to finish this cause it's really good.


It's so well written!! The art is great, the story is emersive, strong vocabulary, good grammar, and provokes an emotional response. I'm very pleasantly surprised and will be waiting for the next update. Totally cool vn, great job!

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I'm glad you enjoyed the game! The plan is to update the demo until it reaches a certain point in Act II. The rest of the game will be paid.


Well that's unfortunate but not wholly unexpected.  I'll quit while I'm ahead then so as to not become invested.


Ive  seen playthroughs of this online. I wanted to see this since it was written by the author of Nerus. I enjoyed it a lot. I love the writing and I like the two main characters. I am looking forward to seeing what happens next.


It's enjoyable. Especially towards the end. My only slight complaint is that there are a few steps where it felt a bit rushed and a few times where there was a sense of disconnect. Like it was missing some dialogue.

For example I'd have liked to explore more their relationship in the hazeleaf picking scene. Now it felt like the transition didn't serve much purpose and could have been simply skipped by Hector saying "yes, I did it earlier" when Cadgan asked. It didn't carry the plot and neither did it explore their relationship.

Another example is when Cadgan turns down our badger and it transitions to "For now, apologize to Cadgan" scene. It's quite abrupt transition and the apology and Hector fleeing the scene would be more impactful if it was shown. Instead it felt like it was cut short.

There were also a few steps where I went "huh, are we still 9 years ago or did we already get back to present?" cases for me though these were resolved after a few clicks.

I could dig more of these up but to be honest I'm not sure if they are useful to you and cases like these are often a matter of preference anyway.

Also out of curiosity. Will there be top options for Hector? I know he likes being told what to do and has avoidant personality BUT the backstory with Cadgan also states it sparked something more adventurous and even rebellious in him. I hope this is also explored in the sex scenes, seeing that they are part of the plot.


I'm actually not sure. I read this till 3 am half sleepy, and the lack of clear transitions gave me a surreal experience that was confusing in a good way honestly. And yeah it's mostly resolved after a few clicks for confirmation.


I loved this from the start to finish!

I just have one question: During my playthrough I've noticed several pop-ups with "Journal being updated" but I can't find the journal anywhere. Is that a feature that will come in the future updates? Thanks!


Glad you enjoyed it! The journal is on the pause menu, and on the quick menu at the bottom of the textbox on the PC version. It shows up as soon as you finish the first chapter.


Oh, thank you so much! Now I can deep dive into the lore bits it has :D


Loved reading this vn


Everything from writing to art, from music to direction, Devil's Gambit is epic in every sense of the word; A masterpiece in the making.

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Definitely enjoyed reading this so far. Love an immersive world building and relatable characters. What Hector is experiencing rn is similar to what I'm having atm, but I'm hoping for a better outcome on my end.

Anyway, I digress. The writing is engaging and thought-provoking as well as feeling very real to relate to. I literally LOLed when Manoel's full name was addressed because it's legit how long noble people's names were during those times. The sprites and CGs are well-drawn and appealing on the eyes, I love the clear body type difference between the chars.

This is definitely a other VN I'll be closely look for updates! Can't wait for more~<3


The love and relationship between Cadgan and Hector really reminds me of a song called "i am not who i was" by Chance Pena. I really recommend you go listen to it because it is such an amazing song and it perfectly encapsulates Cadgan's and Hector's relationship as of right now. 


Thanks, this song is amazing and it resonates with the story so well


Forget about that heartbreaker cold wolf. The demon wolf is way hotter and a new chance at romance


Hi, just read this and it's really fantastic, I cant help wonder can we translate this fvn as a fan-work?


Feel free to contact us on socials to discuss details.


I really hope and want to have the chose to accept or deny the demon's offer  


Fantastic game! I really love everything about it and want to see how it ends. 


hey, i dont know if this is just a me thimg but I can't download the game? I've tried restarting my phone, canceling anf starting again but every time the game stops downloading at 85mb.Dunno if this is a problem with my phone or not but thought you should know (I'm on android btw)


This was a difficult read for me as it tells a very similar story in my own past - one that spanned a lot longer than nine years but the end was somewhat the same.   Believe me, if a demon like that appeared after, I think I would've accepted the hug... if nothing else.  It's been years for me... I think I still would.


If a demon like that appeared to me after something like that I'd sell my mind, body and soul for that deal. No questions asked. Take it all. I'd even offer all my earthly possessions to sweeten the deal.

Even now I'd probably give it only a few feeble attempts to keep even a shred of my dignity before saying "Sold!"


Ok, this made me laugh.  I don't think I'd be ready to sell my mind, body, and soul, (and for what little I have, offering my possessions would only be insulting) but after all is said and done, I have no doubt the sex would be mind blowing (heh).  It would certainly make me question the reason for my existence beyond the demon.


Happy to hear it made you happy - or at least gave a laugh! There's never enough of that going around. The deal seems too sweeet to be honest, but hell, gimme! I mean the deal, hopefully not hell... though I guess deals with demons lead to the latter. Eh. Still probably worth it...


On the bright side, you'll never be cold.


I love the story about Hector and his childhood friend Cadgan. 


definitely like it. plots are more than interesting,  the description of hector's mood gives me a feeling of empathy,  and those sprites and cgs are really good (plus that temptation of hug is tempting, so dose the demon)


That was an.. interesting read. I'm not sold on the characters or their personalities, nor do I find their relationships endearing so far, but I am VERY interested in the lore building, which is as good as MinoHotel offers already. The focus on illness and medicine is also something you don't see often in vidya, so I'm hoping to see more of that in the future.


Please please please please please add the option to hide the text box 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 but yeah love the game ❤️


hit "H" 

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I'm on mobile LMAO thanks for trying to help at least

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We have a patch scheduled later today specifically for this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Update on this: the patch will come out tomorrow. There are a few other additions we want to release with it, but we couldn't finish them all today.


Me after reading this- Mind? gone? Braincells? Obliterated. 

I have no idea where this story is going, but i'm hooked. I'm also Genuinely uncertain if I'd be able to choose between "ice" or "fire" rn.

I guess, if push comes to shove, i'm gonna take a the deal, but i'm a greedy man- i'm really hoping I can have my cake AND eat it too.

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It comes with an option to censor on-screen nudity, but the story and the text remains NSFW.

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I love it


Get that man a drink


I second, we need an Hector drunk scene. and then he wakes up in Arwel's bed.




I admit I had [Nondescript Badger] brainrot but NerusDev.Roddo helped suplementing my thirst for Badgers in famous upcoming VN Devil's Gambit:tm: with the implementation of Hector Badger so now I can finally look back and cring at [Nondescript Badger] for [Nondescript Patheticman Behavior] thank you so much NerusDev.Roddo


I second this


Yes, i would like to live deliciously.


He also offers to bend the will of men, wealth and good familiars!

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